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Wednesday 29 July 2015

Our consolation

“What shall we then say to these things? If God be for us, who can be against us?” Romans 8:31

What a great hope for believers who solely depend on the mercies of God!
God has promised to be for those who trust in him at all times and assured them of divine peace no matter the situation they are into.
Apostle Paul, while admonishing the

Christian believers in Roman, to depend in God, though trial and temptation must come on their way but in all these things, when God is with us there is no man or woman or personality that will ever be against us in any way of our lives.

In as much as Paul said that if God be for us, no man can be against us, there are people who God cannot be for; these are those who are walking against the rule that Christ has set-up for us to follow.
These are the liars, the thieves, the murderers, adulterers, fornicators, the disobedience and whosoever that is not walking against the will of God.
God is always against those that are against Him. In fact, Christ clarified those who he will not be for in Luke 9:26 that “…whosoever shall be ashamed of me and of my words, of him shall the Son of man be ashamed…”
Some people have made themselves enemies of God and He has turn against them.
We must retrace back to God and ask for mercy so that we can be beneficiaries of the blessings and the presence of His glory within and around us.

If you are with God and like Paul the Apostle that “I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ…” (Romans 1:16), then, you need not fear the threat of the devil and his demons because god’s presence is always with you at all time.

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