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Sunday 26 July 2015

Do Not Worry. God Knows and Will Meet Your Needs

Jesus says, look at the birds, look at the grass: God takes care of them. Aren't you more important than a bird? God is going to provide. Now, that doesn't mean that we don't have to work. Obviously we do. The birds have to gather all their seeds, and make their nests, and do other bird chores, whatever those are, but they don't worry about it. When was the last time you saw a worried bird, wringing its little wings in worry? You never see that. 

Because bird brained though they are, they seem to know more than we do, that God is going to provide for our needs, maybe not all our wants, but everything that we need. I have had dozens of you tell me stories about being in tough financial times and wondering how you were going to make ends meet only to see, usually at the last minute, an unexpected raise, or you find your expenses were less than you thought, or you discover you didn't need as much as you thought you did. Jesus is saying we live in an economy of abundance. There's more than enough to take care of everybody: God's going to provide. Sometimes he does that directly, and sometimes he does that through other people. Many of you have heard the statistic that there is enough food in the world to feed everybody, but the reason that some people don't have enough food to eat is that some people aren't sharing what they've got, or there are wars, or bad governments, that make distribution hard. God gave us everything we need to meet everybody's needs. Our job is to distribute it. Do you know that there is $15 billion of loose change just floating around America? Talk about an economy of abundance: $15 billion sitting in people's piggy banks or behind their washers and dryers along with all the missing socks. What would happen if every Christian turned in all of their coins to go for job training for the urban poor? Jesus is saying we live in an economy of abundance and God will provide, either directly, or through other people.

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