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Thursday 29 October 2015

End Times Prophecy

End Times Prophecy

A war over worship is coming! We are entering the last great conflict - A battle between the laws of men and the precepts of Jehovah. Between Bible truth and the religion of fable and tradition! "Multitudes, multitudes in the valley of decision: for the day of the Lord is near in the valley of decision."(Joel 3:14)
The end times are here and Bible prophecy is fast being fulfilled. "The hour of temptation, which shall come upon all the world, to try them that dwell upon the earth." (Rev 3:10) will soon be upon us, and all who are not firmly established upon God's Word and the righteousness of Jesus Christ will be deceived and overcome. Satan "works with all power and signs and lying wonders .. with all deceivableness of unrighteousness" (2 Thess. 2:9-10) to gain control of mankind, and his deceptions will increase right up to the very end.
Jesus Christ is at the center of end times Bible prophecy. He is our righteousness and salvation. He is the truth. And Revelation 14:12 tells us that the saints are not those who merely have faith IN Jesus. But those who 'keep the commandments of God and the faith OF Jesus'. In other words, Jesus' faith is being lived out in their lives.
Anyone who thinks they can get past Satan's deceptions without the truth of Christ and His righteousness are sorely mistaken. Only those who are earnestly seeking a knowledge of the truth and are striving to purify their souls through obedience, being doers of God's Word, will find in Jehovah, a sure defense. "Because thou hast kept the word of My patience, I also will keep thee." (Rev 3:10), is Christ's promise. The final events are upon us friends. It's time to turn from our sins and submit our lives fully to Jesus Christ.
Man of Sin"Now is the time when we should closely connect with Jesus, that we may be hid under His wings when the fierceness of God's wrath is poured upon the world. We have wandered away from the old Biblical landmarks. Let us return. If the Lord be God, serve Him; if Baal, serve him. Which side will you be on?" (Testimonies for the Church, Vol.5, p 137)
We are here to bring you the much needed truth about Bible prophecy and the latest news relating to the end times.The Great ControversyThis world is on the very edge of eternity and we are soon to see that "great and dreadful day of the Lord", when Jesus Christ with all His holy angels will burst upon the world with great glory to claim what is rightfully His. Are you saved? See What Must I do to be Saved?. Here you will not only be shown the truth about Bible prophecy and the end times, you will also receive wise council as to how you should be living in these last days, just before the second coming of Jesus.
Isaiah 58:1 ...'Cry aloud, spare not, lift up thy voice like a trumpet, and show my people their transgression, and the house of Jacob their sins.'
"In our work, we need men of moral independence, uncontaminated and unshackled, so that when a principle of religion or duty is at stake they will stand firm in defense of the truth. We need men who will not hold their peace when they see evils coming in and wrongs being done. We need men who will refuse to give consent by silence to unjust actions." (E.White, Manuscript Releases, Vol.9, Letter 116, 1905)
In studying Bible prophecy, you will find that it contains some of the most solemn warnings, and we are here to give those warnings to the world. We are truly living in the end times now, and as the Bible reveals in Revelation 12, Satan has come down to this earth with "great fury" knowing that his time is short, and he is using all his power to deceive us and keep us from Jesus Christ. We MUST make every effort to press into God's Kingdom and through the righteousness of Christ we can overcome the evil one. Here at end times prophecy we will not be moved by worldly excitement or false revivals, because we have our minds fixed within the Heavenly sanctuary, where Jesus resides. This is a time of great spiritual peril, and we are called to turn away from sin and live holy lives for our Creator God.
antichrist    666mark    image of beast

Time to Get Ready

End TimeWe are in the last hour, the day of the Lord is at hand, and it is time to get ready. The final calls are going out to the world. God is preparing to pour out His Spirit upon His people and we must be ernest in praying for that Spirit to fall upon us. We must depart from sin, humble our hearts and fall before the One who can save us, our Lord, Saviour and soon coming King, Jesus Christ, the Son of the living God. So many professing Christians do not know the urgency of the situation. The whole theme of the Bible is of urgency to turn to God and turn away from sin, especially in these end times we live in.
"All who profess to be the children of God need now to realize that we are living in perilous times. The end of all things is near at hand. The signs are rapidly fulfilling, yet it would seem that but few realize that the day of the Lord is coming swiftly, silently as a thief in the night. Many are saying "peace and safety". Unless they are watching for their Lord, they will be taken as in a snare." (E.G.White, Last Day Events, P.18)

Israel in the End Times

What is end times prophecy about? Is it all about the nation of Israel like so many prophecy students and teachers believe? No, Bible prophecy is given for the benefit of ALL people, to warn us of things to come, not in Israel, but the WHOLE world. The problem is, these prophecy teachers who look to the nation of Israel for the fulfillment of end time prophecy ignore the plain truth that is taught in the New Testament, that the literal nation of Israel are no longer God's special chosen nation. For we are now "ALL ONE IN CHRIST JESUS."
You CANNOT understand Bible prophecy until you take your eyes off literal Israel!
It was the Roman Catholic Jesuits who started this false teaching that the fulfillment of end time Bible prophecy would happen with the nation of Israel, and the reason they did this was because the Bible reveals the Roman Catholic Church as the main antichrist system. A truth which all the brave Protestant reformers knew about and proclaimed. So the Jesuits re-interpreted prophecy, taking the focus off the Roman Catholic Church and placing the focus of the end times on the literal nation of Israel. And the majority of prophecy students today have fallen for the lie. But the truth is, the chosen people of God are now those who are IN Jesus Christ, whether they be Jew or Gentile. Please see the great study above concerning Israel in the End Times for the truth of this important and misunderstood subject.

End Time Signs

The world is buckling under great pressure. Earthquakes, tsunamis, wildfires, tornadoes, mass animals dying. These things are just a fraction of the destroying forces raging throughout our world. Nature isn't the only thing going wrong in our world today. Everything else seems to be going horribly wrong too. War, terrorism, economic trouble, increase in sin and Godlessness. Confusion and strife reigns everywhere in this world today. God is withdrawing His Spirit from the earth ready for the last days and Satan is gaining more and more control.
The world is in such a mess these days that even non religious people are starting to think what is going on and what will become of all this. And what is the answer? Why are all these things happening in our day? The answer can only be found through a source that the majority of people have forgotten about ... THE BIBLE! When you study the Word of God you will see that these things were prophesied to happen a long time ago. Then the mystery begins to unfold and our eyes begin to open as to why this world is in such a terrible state.
Please read through this site and find out the great end time prophecy truths that God has revealed to His people. The TRUTH will set you free

Saturday 24 October 2015

"Is there life after death?"

Question: "Is there life after death?"

The existence of life after death is a universal question. Job speaks for all of us by stating, “Man born of woman is of few days and full of trouble. He springs up like a flower and withers away; like a fleeting shadow, he does not endure....If a man dies, will he live again?” (Job 14:1-2, 14). Like Job, all of us have been challenged by this question. Exactly what happens to us after we die? Do we simply cease to exist? Is life a revolving door of departing and returning to earth in order to eventually achieve personal greatness? Does everyone go to the same place, or do we go to different places? Is there really a heaven and hell?

The Bible tells us that there is not only life after death, but eternal life so glorious that “no eye has seen, no ear has heard, and no mind has imagined what God has prepared for those who love him” (1 Corinthians 2:9). Jesus Christ, God in the flesh, came to the earth to give us this gift of eternal life. “But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was upon him, and by his wounds we are healed” (Isaiah 53:5). Jesus took on the punishment that all of us deserve and sacrificed His life to pay the penalty for our sin. Three days later, He proved Himself victorious over death by rising from the grave. He remained on the earth for forty days and was witnessed by hundreds before ascending to heaven. Romans 4:25 says, “He was delivered over to death for our sins and was raised to life for our justification.”

The resurrection of the Christ is a well-documented event. The apostle Paul challenged people to question eyewitnesses for its validity, and no one was able to contest its truth. The resurrection is the cornerstone of the Christian faith. Because Christ was raised from the dead, we can have faith that we, too, will be resurrected. The resurrection of Jesus Christ is the ultimate proof of life after death. Christ was only the first of a great harvest of those who will be raised to life again. Physical death came through one man, Adam, to whom we are all related. But all who have been adopted into God's family through faith in Jesus Christ will be given new life (1 Corinthians 15:20-22). Just as God raised up Jesus' body, so will our bodies be resurrected upon Jesus' return (1 Corinthians 6:14).

Although we will all be eventually resurrected, not everyone will go to heaven. A choice must be made by each person in this life, and this choice will determine one’s eternal destination. The Bible says that it is appointed for us to die only once, and after that will come judgment (Hebrews 9:27). Those who have been made righteous by faith in Christ will go into eternal life in heaven, but those who reject Christ as Savior will be sent to eternal punishment in hell (Matthew 25:46). Hell, like heaven, is not simply a state of existence, but a literal place. It is a place where the unrighteous will experience never-ending, eternal wrath from God. Hell is described as a bottomless pit (Luke 8:31; Revelation 9:1) and a lake of fire, burning with sulfur, where the inhabitants will be tormented day and night forever and ever (Revelation 20:10). In hell, there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth, indicating intense grief and anger (Matthew 13:42).

God takes no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but desires them to turn from their wicked ways so that they can live (Ezekiel 33:11). But He will not force us into submission; if we choose to reject Him, He accepts our decision to live eternally apart from Him. Life on earth is a test, a preparation for what is to come. For believers, life after death is eternal life in heaven with God. For unbelievers, life after death is eternity in the lake of fire. How can we receive eternal life after death and avoid an eternity in the lake of fire? There is only one way—through faith and trust in Jesus Christ. Jesus said, “I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will live, even though he dies; and whoever lives and believes in me will never die...” (John 11:25-26).

The free gift of eternal life is available to all. “Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life, but whoever rejects the Son will not see life, for God’s wrath remains on him” (John 3:36). We will not be given the opportunity to accept God’s gift of salvation after death. Our eternal destination is determined in our earthly lifetimes by our reception or rejection of Jesus Christ. “I tell you, now is the time of God's favor, now is the day of salvation” (2 Corinthians 6:2). If we trust the death of Jesus Christ as the full payment for our sin against God, we are guaranteed not only a meaningful life on earth, but also eternal life after death, in the glorious presence of Christ.

Monday 19 October 2015

10 Unique Ways To Serve God

As Christians we are called to be ambassadors for Christ (2 Corinthians 5:20), to spread the “Good News” as missionaries throughout the world.  Whether you are helping those in your own neighborhood or have traveled across the ocean to spread the Gospel, serving God is an experience that always brings you closer to Him.  Where are you serving God in your life?  Is it in church?  Maybe in the workplace?  Wherever it is, you can know that your service for the kingdom has probably impacted more lives than you think!  Here are 10 unique ways that you can serve God!

This should be your biggest focus in life as far as service.  Your kids look up to you mom and dad.  They see what you do.  They mimic what you do.  If you are setting bad examples, your kids will probably take some of those into their own families someday.  If you want your kids to be like Jesus, you have to be Jesus to them.  “You shall therefore lay up these words of mine in your heart and in your soul, and you shall bind them as a sign on your hand, and they shall be as frontlets between your eyes.  You shall teach them to your children, talking of them when you are sitting in your house, and when you are walking by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise.” (Deuteronomy 11:18-19)  Spend time in the Word with your children.  Pray with them.  Sing praises to God with them.  You only have a very short time with them before they leave the nest, so make your life with them have eternal value!  Also, you must love your spouse.  Really, love on them like tomorrow isn’t going to happen.  Listen to their needs.  Pray for them and with them.  Talk about everything under the sun with them.  Make them feel like they are the only person that you want to grow old with.
One of the most blessed ways you can serve is to pray for God to give you opportunities to serve.  Those unexpected circumstances will shine His glory all over!  These opportunities are endless!  Some examples of things that might come your way are:  a woman has a flat tire on the side of the road, paying for the food for the people behind you at the drive-thru window, or an unexpected, deep conversation with an unbeliever.  If you pray for opportunities to serve, God will definitely give them to you, so keep your eyes open and serve whenever you can!
My brothers and sisters, our pastors do so much for the church and many are not paid nearly enough for all that they do.  We all can step up and serve them!  Ask them over for dinner and game night.  Call them on the phone and see how they are doing.  Ask them if they need prayer.  Offer to take burdens off of them so they can focus on other things.  Pastors are not supposed to be the hands and feet of the church.  The church is supposed to be the hands and feet of the church.  If you allow your pastor to make disciples out of the congregation, your church will thrive beyond your wildest imagination.  So, start groups at your church that can take some of the burdens off of your pastors.  Have an “on-call” group to visit those who unexpectedly go to the hospital.  If your head pastor leads the congregation in worship because you can’t afford a music minister, offer to fill that position for free.  Our pastors need us more than they ever say.  So, I’m saying it now,  Serve God by supporting your church pastors!
Many people have little to no income and rely on help from the community.  You can be the hands and feet of Jesus to them by serving them at a local kitchen or shelter.  When you serve them their food, give them spiritual food too!  Tell them Jesus loves them.  Tell them that He is “the way, and the truth, and the life.” (John 14:6)  Let your joy overflow from you as you show them love and support.

Wednesday 14 October 2015

Becoming a Man or a Woman after God's Own Heart

Becoming a Man or a Woman after God's Own Heart
by Charles R. Swindoll
When God scans the earth for potential leaders, He is not on a search for angels in the flesh. He is certainly not looking for perfect people, since there are none. He is searching for men and women like you and me, mere people made up of flesh. But He is also looking for people who share the same qualities He found in David. God is looking for men and women “after His own heart” (1 Samuel 13:14).
What does it mean to be a person after God’s own heart? It means your life is in harmony with the Lord. What is important to Him is important to you. What burdens Him burdens you. When He says, “Go to the right,” you go to the right. When He says, “Stop that in your life,” you stop it. When He says, “This is wrong and I want you to change,” you come to terms with it because you have a heart for God. That’s bottom-line, biblical Christianity.
When you are a man or woman after God’s heart, you are deeply sensitive to spiritual things. Second Chronicles 16:9 explains it this way: “For the eyes of the LORD move to and fro throughout the earth that He may strongly support those whose heart is completely His” (emphasis added).
What is God looking for? He is looking for men and women whose hearts are His—completely. That means there are no locked closets. Nothing’s been swept under the rugs. That means that when you do wrong, you admit it and come to terms with it. You long to please Him in your actions. You care deeply about the motivations behind your actions. God is not looking for magnificent specimens of humanity. He’s looking for deeply spiritual, genuinely humble, honest-to-the-core servants who have integrity.
Listen to some of the synonyms for this Hebrew word thamam, translated “integrity”: “complete, whole, innocent, having the simplicity of life, wholesome, sound, unimpaired.” It’s what you are when nobody’s looking. We live in a world that says, in many ways, “If you just make a good impression, that’s all that matters.” But you will never be a man or woman of God if that’s your philosophy. Never. You can’t fake it with the Almighty. He is not impressed with externals. He always focuses on the inward qualities, like the character of the heart . . . those things that take time and discipline to cultivate.
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Monday 12 October 2015

Can I serve God and money at the same time?

No One Can Serve Both God and Money
Insights from the failure of Biblical characters
Loving God requires wholehearted commitment: heart, soul, mind, and strength. If we resist God’s control in any area of our lives, we foster weaknesses that lead to temptation and compromise.
The Bible tells of many people whose allegiance to God was undermined by their desire for wealth. Their divided loyalty resulted in grief and tragedy. Jesus said, No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon [wealth, possessions]” (Matthew 6:24).

Balaam Promoted Immorality for Personal Gain

Balaam was a prophet in the land of Moab during the early days of the nation of Israel. His words were very powerful. The people he cursed were cursed, and the people he blessed were blessed.
The king of Moab hired Balaam to curse Israel, but God warned Balaam not to curse His people. Balaam blessed the Israelites, thus infuriating the king of Moab. Balaam appeased the king by pointing out that if the king could not carry out his original plan to curse Israel, he could accomplish a similar result by prompting the women of Moab to seduce the men of Israel and lead them into idolatry. Then the sin of the Israelites would bring God’s judgment on them. Later, Balaam lost his money and his life when Israel conquered Moab. (See Numbers 22–24, 31:8; II Peter 2:15; and Revelation 2:14.)

Achan Yielded to Covetousness

Achan fought in Joshua’s army and helped conquer Jericho when the Israelites moved into the Promised Land. He knew of God’s promise to give certain spoils of the land to the Israelites, although the spoils in Jericho were to be destroyed with the city.
When Achan found some of the riches of Jericho, he coveted them and took the forbidden treasures in violation of God’s clear command. When Israel fought against Ai and failed to conquer the city, Joshua sought to find out whose disobedience had prompted God to withhold His blessing from their army. The leaders of Israel discovered that Achan’s disobedience was the cause of their defeat. Eventually, Achan confessed his sin, and he and his entire family were stoned to death. (See Joshua 7.)

Gideon’s Spoils Led to Idolatry

God used Gideon to free the nation of Israel from the oppression of the Midianites. Afterward, the men of Israel asked Gideon to be their king. He refused to accept this honor but asked for all the golden earrings that belonged to the enemy soldiers whom they had killed.
With this gold, Gideon made an ephod, a richly embroidered outer vestment worn by Jewish priests. Instead of inspiring the worship of God and giving thanks to Him for His deliverance from the Midianites, the ephod itself became an object of worship.The piece of clothing became a stumbling block to Gideon’s own family members, who were consumed by jealousy and violence after Gideon’s death. The nation of Israel quickly slipped back into patterns of idolatry. (See Judges 8:24–9:6.)

Gehazi Cashed In on Another’s Ministry

Gehazi was the servant of the Israelite prophet Elisha. Naaman, a captain in the Syrian army, came to Elisha to be cured of leprosy. Elisha gave him simple instructions: wash in the Jordan River seven times. When Naaman obeyed these instructions, he was miraculously healed of leprosy, and as an expression of his gratitude, Naaman wanted to bless Elisha with valuable gifts.
Gehazi knew that Elisha had refused to receive the gifts offered by Naaman, so after Naaman departed, Gehazi ran after him. Through deception, Gehazi received a portion of the gifts that Naaman had originally offered to Elisha. When Gehazi returned to Elisha’s dwelling, the prophet confronted him, but Gehazi denied that he had gone anywhere. Elisha sharply rebuked Gehazi, and the leprosy of Naaman came on Gehazi and on his descendants. (See II Kings 5.)

The Rich Young Ruler Tried to Worship Both God and Money

The rich young ruler possessed more than riches; he had strong moral character. However, Jesus apparently detected a major flaw in this man—he did not love God with his whole heart. When the rich young man asked what he should do to inherit eternal life, Jesus instructed him to sell all that he had, give it to the poor, and then follow Him. Upon hearing Jesus’ words, the young man walked way sorrowfully. Jesus used this incident to illustrate how difficult it is for the rich to enter into the kingdom of God. (See Luke 18:18–30.)

Judas Betrayed Christ for a Price

Judas Iscariot served as the treasurer for Jesus’ group of disciples. With a background of handling money as a tax collector, Judas may have had a tendency to evaluate circumstances on the basis of monetary value or gain. Consequently, Judas was blind to the significance of Mary’s sacrificial anointing of Jesus’ feet. (See John 12:1–8.) He voiced his opinion that the ointment Mary used should instead have been sold for 300 pence and given to the poor. “This he said, not that he cared for the poor; but because he was a thief, and had the bag, and bare what was put therein” (John 12:6).
Shortly after this event, Judas arranged to betray Jesus into the hands of the Pharisees in exchange for thirty pieces of silver. When Judas realized that his betrayal had resulted in Jesus’ condemnation and that the religious leaders sought for Jesus’ death, Judas cast the pieces of silver before the chief priests and elders who had paid him. Then he went out and hanged himself. (See Matthew 26–27:10.)

Ananias and Sapphira Wanted to Purchase Public Praise

Ananias and Sapphira were involved in the social concerns of the early Church. When Barnabas sold his property and gave the money to the Church leaders, Ananias and Sapphira saw the admiration and encouragement that he received.
They decided to follow Barnabas’s example, but they secretly agreed to keep part of the money for themselves. When they lied about the amount of the sale, pretending to give the entire sum to the Church, the Holy Spirit revealed the truth to the Apostle Peter, who rebuked them. Immediately after being confronted by Peter, bothAnanias and Sapphira fell dead at Peter’s feet. (See Acts 5:1–11.)

Simon Tried to Buy Spiritual Authority

In the days of the early Church, a sorcerer named Simon was converted. Prior to his salvation, he had been a powerful, influential person. He had kept people spellbound with his magic and enjoyed their admiration.
Simon saw believers receive the Holy Ghost when the Apostle Peter laid hands on them and prayed for them. Simon wanted to be able to lay hands on believers and see them receive the Holy Spirit too, so he offered to pay Peter for that “power.”Peter sharply rebuked Simon for this request. (See Acts 8:9–24.)

Practice Contentment

God warns us about the snare of loving money and offers His children a lifestyle of contentment. “Godliness with contentment is great gain. For we brought nothing into this world, and it is certain we can carry nothing out. And having food and raiment let us be therewith content.
“But they that will [desire to] be rich fall into temptation and a snare, and into many foolish and hurtful lusts, which drown men in destruction and perdition. For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows” (I Timothy 6:6–10).

Don’t Worry; Trust God BY RICK WARREN

Enjoy prosperity while you can. But when hard times strike, realize that both come from God. That way you will realize that nothing is certain in this life. (Ecclesiastes 7:14 NLT)
You can be a hero one day and a zero the next day, a millionaire one day and bankrupt the next. No matter how much you make, no matter how much you save, finances are uncertain.
So we worry. What does the Bible say about worry and money?
1. It’s unreasonable. (Matthew 6:25) You're going to have fears in life, but there are better things to be scared of than a lack of finances. Life is more than just the accumulation of things. Even if you go bankrupt, it could get worse. Worry about what’s truly important.
2. It’s unnatural. (Matthew 6:26) Jesus reminds us that animals and plants don’t worry. Birds don’t say, "I'd better build a bigger nest for retirement." Only human beings don't trust God to provide for them. Everything else in creation does.
3. It’s unnecessary. (Matthew 6:30) Financial fears come from a misunderstanding about God and what He's promised to do for you. He's assumed responsibility for your needs. He says, "I'm your Heavenly Father; I'm going to take care of your needs. You're my child." We always get into trouble when we doubt the love of God.
Worry is playing God. It's assuming responsibility for something that God has said He will take care of. Paul reminds us in Philippians 4:19, “And this same God who takes care of me will supply all your needs from his glorious riches, which have been given to us in Christ Jesus.”
God knows what's going on in your life — and in your wallet. God knows all your needs even before you ask. He wants to help you out.
Learn More About a Biblical Approach to Your Budget
Your finances are important to God. Saddleback Resources offers Managing Our Finances God’s Way, a 7-week, video-based study for small groups or individuals that will inspire you to live debt-free and/or manage finances in a way that enables you to respond to God’s calling on your life.
Rick Warren is the founding pastor of Saddleback Church in Lake Forest, Calif., one of America's largest and most influential churches. Rick is author of the New York Times Best Seller The Purpose Driven Life.  His book, The Purpose Driven Church, was named one of the 100 Christian books that changed the 20th century. He is also founder of, a global Internet community for pastors. © Copyright 2011 Rick Warren. 

Give hope, prayer, and encouragement below. Post a comment & talk about it.

Serving God Without A Perfect Heart

by David J. Stewart
2nd Chronicles 25:2, “And he did that which was right in the sight of the LORD,but not with a perfect heart.”
       What an amazing Scripture, and a needful truth to be applied to every Christian's life! Amaziah became king over Jerusalem at age 25 and reigned for 29 years (2nd Chronicles 25:1). The Bible says that Amaziah served the Lord; but he did so selectively, not with a perfect heart. That is a very interesting Scripture passage indeed!
Although Amaziah obeyed the Lord in most matters (evidenced by 2nd Chronicles 25:2-13), unfortunately he did not obey God in all areas. We learn in verse 14 that Amaziah worshipped the false gods of the Edomites...
2nd Chronicles 25:14, “Now it came to pass, after that Amaziah was come from the slaughter of the Edomites, that he brought the gods of the children of Seir, and set them up to be his gods, and bowed down himself before them, and burned incense unto them.”
The life of Amaziah can be likened to many Christians today who are resolved in their mind and heart to serve God, but only half-heartedly so. Many Christians are worshippers of Hollywood celebrities and materialism. Others are choked by the cares, riches and pleasures of this world (Luke 8:14). The Bible plainly tells us that God does not like fence-straddlers. In fact, God says that lukewarm believers make Him vomit...
Revelation 3:15, “I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot: I would thou wert cold or hot. So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth. Because thou sayest, I am rich, and increased with goods, and have need of nothing; and knowest not that thou art wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked.”
This sounds like America today where we are increased with goods in the land of plenty; yet our nation is spiritually wretched, miserable, poor, blind and naked. In our prosperity we have forsaken the God of the Bible!
May we all heed the words of admonition which king David gave to his son, Solomon...
1st Chronicles 28:9, “And thou, Solomon my son, know thou the God of thy father, and serve him with a perfect heart and with a willing mind: for the LORD searcheth all hearts, and understandeth all the imaginations of the thoughts...”
Ask any soldier and they'll tell you that there's no such thing as a part-time soldier on the battlefield. When you are at war you have to have your rifle handy at all times, loaded and ready to go. The Bible says that Christians are soldiers for Christ, fighting a continual battle against the flesh, the world and the Devil (Ephesians 6:12)...
2nd Timothy 2:4, “No man that warreth entangleth himself with the affairs of this life; that he may please him who hath chosen him to be a soldier.”
It is clear from the Scriptures that king Amaziah wanted to serve God in his mind and heart, but not with a perfect heart. This Biblical truth applies to Christians today, most of whom want to follow Christ afar off like Peter. Sadly, most Christians are ashamed to boldly mention the name of Jesus Christ in a group of people who are not fellow believers. As I grow older I am increasingly dreary of this world, more anxious to go home to Heaven, and bold to shamelessly tell people that I am a born-again Child of God. Self-consciousness is an enemy of soul-winning, that is, if you are worried about what other people think about you, then you're going to dip-your-sails in apostasy and compromise.
The Bible wonderfully states...
Colossians 3:1-3, “If ye then be risen with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God. Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth. For ye are dead, and your life is hid with Christ in God.”
What a precious truth! Our Lord Jesus Christ has risen and is seated on the Father's right-hand. The Bible teaches that since Christ is in Heaven, then that is where our mind and heart should also be. Luke 8:14 warns about getting boggled-down with the problems, wealth and fun of this present world. Luke 8:15 says concerning one's heart...
Luke 8:15, “But that on the good ground are they, which in an honest and good heart, having heard the word, keep it, and bring forth fruit with patience.”
The sower's seeds which fell upon fertile ground grew healthy and brought forth more fruit. Most professed Christians today desire to live for God, but their heart is not perfect in the very important matter of winning souls to Christ. I meet many people who talk about God, but most of them aren't even saved, blinded by false religion. And of those who are saved, it is rare to meet a Christian who genuinely cares about preaching the gospel to the lost.
Soul-winning is not a novelty or option for Christians; but rather, a royal command from our King, Jesus Christ. Proverb 11:30 proclaims that a wise Christian wins souls. Matthew 28:19-20 is often called “The Great Commission,” in which our Lord told the disciples to go make more disciples from all nations, baptizing them with water as a public profession of their faith, and then mentoring them to go win more souls. The Lord intended for the gospel to perpetuate itself, with every believer bringing forth other believers through the preaching of the gospel. Sadly, most Christians in the world today are like the “terminator seed” that never reproduce itself.
You cannot serve God with a perfect heart and not be concerned about the eternal fate of those around you. It is tragic that most people don't believe in a literal Hell that burns with fire and brimstone, where Christ-rejecters will spend eternity; however, the truth is the truth even if no one accepts it. The truth is still the truth even if no one believes it; and the biggest lie in the world is still a lie even if everyone believes it!
The entire world believed a lie in Noah's day and perished in the flood, going to Hell. Only 8 people walked onto the ark. Jesus said the End Times would be just like the time of Noah, when people lived only to enjoy life (Matthew 24:37-38). Most people today are living for pleasure and enjoyment, completely ignoring the things of God. Philippians 2:21, “For all seek their own, not the things which are Jesus Christ's.”
I hear so many celebrities while being interviewed say that their priorities are to enjoy life to the fullest. That's not why God put mankind upon the earth. Yes, God's wants us to enjoy life, but that's a secondary purpose of our existence. First and foremost is found inRevelation 4:11, “Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honour and power: for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created.” Our purpose for existence is to please God, not ourselves and not others. Most people spend their life trying to please them self and others and are consequently miserable. You'll never be able to live up to the demands and expectations of others, nor even yourself, which is why the Bible reminds us that Christ has made everything ok through His work of redemption and blood sacrifice...
Romans 8:34, “Who is he that condemneth? It is Christ that died, yea rather, that is risen again, who is even at the right hand of God, who also maketh intercession for us.”
With Christ as our heavenly High Priest, we are in God's hands and there is nothing to fear!!! Amen and amen!
May we all serve God with a perfect heart, acknowledging Him in all our ways as Proverbs 3:5-7 commands; and not merely selectively obeying God when we feel like it. It's been said that the smallest Bible in the world is the one that we live. It is sad, but true.
Most Christian men are only a temptation away from committing adultery, just waiting for the indecent proposal.
Many Christian women only obey their husbands when they choose to, which is a shame and the cause of so much divorce in our churches today. Christians file for divorce at the same rate as worldly heathens. That is a shame unto the name of Christ and the New Testament Church. In the year 1900 the divorce rate in the U.S. was less than one-percent! What has happened to our country? I'll tell you... feminist rebellion against masculine authoirty! Christian women who sit and watch TV are being indoctrinated to rebel against their husbands, and many of those women don't even realize that they're being influenced for Satan by evil lesbians, God-hating trash, and feminist scum on television. THE VIEW is a perfect example of the trash I'm talking about.

Is your heart perfect toward God? Or are you lukewarm, half and half? Certainly, the Christian life is a constant daily struggle to do right, but with God's help we can do it. That's why the Bible tells us in 1st Thessalonians 5:17 to PRAY WITHOUT CEASING. We ought to fellowship with our Creator throughout the day; not as a ritual like the heathens and worldly ministers teach, but genuinely walking with God as James 4:8 teaches.


God is absolutely pure and desires that His children be of the same quality too. The Almighty God cannot compromise this standard if He has to find a pure vessel to use. 1Peter 1:15-16; Matthew 5:48; 2 Timothy 2:19.
2nd Timothy 2:19 “Nevertheless the foundation of God standeth sure, having this seal; The Lord knoweth them that are his.  And, let everyone that nameth the name of Christ depart from iniquity”.

Definition of vessels unto honour
Vessels unto honour are the sanctified lives or those who are separated unto the process of becoming like Jesus. (1 Timothy 2:21; 2 Corinthians 3:18). This process helps believers to live holy and perfect as our heavenly Father and His Son are (1 Peter 1:15-16; Matthew 5:48). It is so crucial to our redemption that the Lord Jesus had to be subjected to satanic examination, which He excellently passed before consummating it (John 14:30).

Qualities associated with vessels unto honour.
Vessels unto honour must be clean all around and always (Daniel 1:8, 18). They must have a divine ability to mortify and abhor all the deeds of the flesh (Colossians 3:5; Galatians 5:10-21; Romans 12:9). In true submission to God, they must be able to resist every ungodly thought or anything that will defile them physically or spiritually (James 4:7). They must possess the ability to deny themselves of the pleasures of this world (1 John 2: 15-17: 1 Timothy 6:10).
They must allow God to work on their weaknesses through consistent prayer life and Bible Study (Mathew 26: 37-41; 2 Timothy 2:15).
Finally, they must be addicted soul- winners, who absolutely depend on the Holy Spirit as their source of supernatural power (John 15:1-7, 16: Acts 1:8; John 14:26; 15:26).

The Lord Jesus is desperately in search of vessels unto honour hence, He spent His first earthly sojourn not only to recruit, but also to train, sanctify, disciple and commission those He found.  May He find in us vessels unto honour in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Saturday 10 October 2015

For youth about to settle down

My dear Jil, you are young. Don’t take life in gulps. Take it breath by breath. You can’t rush life. Life has its own pace. That is one hold life has over us. It is true we say: Do not leave till tomorrow what you can do today. But the corollary is equally true: Do not do today what you should do tomorrow. I do understand you want to accomplish, and that desire is driving you. But if you rush life you will make mistakes. And then your speed is slowed down. You’ve got to learn to pace yourself, to move sure-footedly in life. It’s better than a crazed rush.

Think of the man on a Lagos highway driving erratically at top speed to arrive fast at his destination. If he had an accident, that’s the end of the journey. Even if it’s a minor infraction he’ll still be slowed down. And if he kills someone he’s mired in trouble for years. He’ll need to defend himself against the charge of manslaughter. Our haste can cause accidents. And when we have accidents in life, journeys can come to an end. Even if we survive the accident we would have lost considerable time and momentum.
In the same way, rushing into relationship, or rushing into marriage – such haste have been known to create life disasters. Of course not every rush into marriage ends in disaster, but the probability is high. It’s the reality of speed. You’re trying to do too many things at once. You’re like the Lagos Danfo bus driver rushing everywhere in one direction. He gets into headstrong juvenile competition with other road users, even when it’s obvious there’s no basis for one. Take yourself out of senseless competitions. Go at your own pace, face your own programme.
When we rush senselessly, we forget to build capacity for the future we’re rushing into. The future will show us up. Get to know yourself. Get to know who you are. Get to know what you want. Get to know what you do not want. It does take some time to know these things but at least begin the journey to self-discovery.
Some things about yourself you’ll realise in retrospect. You can’t know them except you pass through certain experiences. It’s why you need to trust God, to commit your way to the Lord. Life is too large. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct your paths, Solomon wrote.
As per this gentleman, the gap in age between both of you has consequences. His age will always be relative to yours. That’s not saying much older man / very young woman configuration can’t work. I am however worried by the fact you don’t really love him. That much is evident. You’re in love with the idea of loving him, you don’t love him. You want to play the life role of loving someone, of being responsible for a man.
You’re also moved by the fact that he was there for you at the start of your business. That is all well and good but the definition of husband is not “a business mentor.” And you don’t reward someone with your life just because he did good to you. There are other ways to show appreciation.
Here’s the danger in marrying someone you don’t love: You’ll be making yourself play a role, like an actress. That can only work so far and for so long. The love is simulated, it’s not real. It’s assumed responsibility. It’s the synthetic love of a young woman who wants to be in love, to experience adult love and affair. Life tests the quality of such love. Life tests marital resolve, to determine the caliber and purity of the love we espouse. And life uses a variety of means to test the quality of our love, sometimes through trials and temptations.
When faced with a credible option is when some realise the mistake of rushing into marriage. It’s then they discover what they should have wanted. And what they really want. Only then it’s too late. They realise they rushed in when their wants were hardly formulated, when their desires had no configuration. Either of two things then happens: they bear the pain in agony and silence, or they begin to punish their partner. The fact he does not deserve the punishment soon begins to trouble their conscience, creating deep conflicts. It’s a matter of time before both parties are dragged into depression by the gravitational pull of those inner conflicts.
Marriage requires maturity. And maturity takes experience, and the passing of time. And there is a level of maturity you can’t have without going through trial. There are things you can’t know in life without the passage of time. Some things can only come with age. A life tempered by trial has a chance to grow kind and compassionate, to seek to understand. It’s been there.
When a life of immaturity takes on the big issues of life, it generates foolish life-altering decisions. Sometimes, just a little patience allows life to demonstrate to us haste can be harmful. Someday, you’ll look back at life and thank God you didn’t take certain decisions. And someday, you may look back at life and regret taking certain decisions. The past can never be perfect. The past will always be full of stupidities, incorrigibilities, foolishnesses… The past is past imperfect.
The problem comes when we wish for perfect pasts. Then we’re full of regrets. The past can never be perfect. Judging the past is an exercise in futility. It’s a chronicle you can’t edit. It’s out of reach. But you do have the present to contend with. Try and avoid stupid mistakes, especially in the area of marriage. Nothing is as potent as marriage. It’s very deep, and it’s a highly spiritual and symbolic quantity. The stupid mistake of today creates the past we deeply regret tomorrow. Marriage is that area you can’t afford to make stupid decisions. It requires due consideration. Marriage is not something you rush into. It’s not a race.
Your mentor, LA
© Leke Alder |
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