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Monday 21 July 2014

Praises and thanksgiving

Praises and thanksgiving are pleasing to God more than any other things. You will get the best from God when you combine the two. Let praises and thanksgiving become your lifestyle. Psalm 69; 30-32; 100:1-5; 150:1-6
How to give thanks and praise God
a.   Go into His presence with thanksgiving and praises
b.   Make a joyful noise into the lord
c.   Sing unto Him
d.   Serve Him with gladness
e.   Praise Him with instrument of music and dance
f.    Praise Him for who He is and particularly who He is to you. Praise and give him thanks and in everything. Psalm 150; Ephesians 5:19-20.

What to thank and praise God for:-
We should give thanks and praises to God, for everything for this is His will in Christ for us, 1 thess. 5:18. Thank Him and praise Him;
a.   For His goodness and His mercies- redemption and deliverance from the hands of the enemy; healings and deliverance through His word. Psalm 107; 1-3, 20; keeping you from birth, watching over you and your family.
b.   When all efforts fail in hopeless situation; period of inadequacy; in lack, thank Him and praise Him for previous provision and the little you have. John 11; 41.

Conclusively, God deserves your thanks and praise. He expects both. Moreover, thanks and praises are capable of delivering miracles to you. Luke 17;11-19.

Wednesday 9 July 2014

Run to obtain an incorruptible crown

 Christians are called to run to obtain an incorruptible crown. This race is not a sprint but it is a marathon one. May we run so well to obtain.

Steps in Christian race
1.   First and foremost there will be a gathering. God draws you to himself.
2.   After the gathering, then the cleansing (salvation). He washes you in the blood of Jesus Christ.
3.   He then brings together closer to himself a selected or chosen few, Matthew 22:14. These chosen few become the favourites of God. These are people who do not come to Him because of what they love God. They are the sanctified set apart for God. Philemon 1:21
4.   Holy Spirit baptism. It is now that you are sanctified that God can trust you with His power. This is because the Holy Spirit is Holy. Acts 1:8
5.   After you receive His power, you begin to speak with new tongues and begin to work for Him. He will then begin to release His gifts to you; 1 cor. 12:7-11. You are to covet the best gift.1 cor. 12:3.
6.   The fruit of the Holy Spirit. If you have the gifts and it is not properly handled, it will end up in destruction. Matt 7:22-23.
7.   Then He will bring you into perfection. Matt 5:48. The word of God is full of doctrine that will lead you to perfection. 2 Tim. 3:16-17

In conclusion, Christians must have these experiences to be able to obtain the doctrine that will lead you to perfection. 2 Tim. 3:16-17.
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