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Showing posts with label life. Show all posts
Showing posts with label life. Show all posts

Monday 28 December 2015


You're too beautiful to be self harming. It's time to put down the things that are just bringing more pain to your life...... Don't let the hate that people give you cause you to hate yourself.
Don't let bullying separate you from the love God.. Don't let broken relationship separate you from the love of God. God has the evalasting love that's more powerful that even loneliness, rejection or low-self-esteem can't survive.
You don't have to turn to drugs, it may seems they're drowning out the pain, but really all self-harm is doing is sinking you deeper in it...... There's no healing in cutting, only temporary release. There's no healing in giving your body away or using drugs, only a temporary fulfilment. Its time to stop going back to these temporary things by choosing right now that you're worth. Your worth more than the people who walked out of your life, talk about you, the problems that are lying to you......
I know it may be hard to do and understand, but i need you to trust God's plan and not your pain. Don't let your problems keep you in a season that God didn't intend for you to be in.
I'm praying that you close this chapter, so you can see there's much more to your story than just you're currently going through. You're worth more... Don't ever forget that...
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Chima Nnaemeka Eberech