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Showing posts with label Rapture. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Rapture. Show all posts

Friday, 30 June 2017

That Secret Sin in You


There is something glorious about your future God will show you, you will not need your pastor to keep preaching holiness message to you daily...

When you see a girl singing in the choir, yet, from the choir, she keeps sexual appointments, check that girl, she has not seen anything yet about her future...

When you see a young boy who dresses to church, to seduce those small girls to bed and his mates will be clapping for him, check that boy, he has a spiritual eye problem...

He hasn't seen anything about his future yet...
If you do it again and again and again, God will forgive you again and again and again...

But, while He is busy forgiving you, angels are busy searching for some one else heaven will use to replace you ...

What separates men before God is not how long they can pray or how much scriptures they know...

The value God places on people is not determined by the position they occupy in the church...
But how much they can bear for His Name sake...

Some times, He allows your salary to be delayed, to know if you will start stealing in your office...

Sometimes, He allows some lose ladies to start suggesting sex with you, to know if you have grown...

But unfortunately, you still fall again ....
Yes, He will forgive....
But, you will still remain in the same class in the school of glory...

Decision separates men...
There is an OIL that comes with separation...
The weight of a man is buried in the decisions he makes when no one is watching him ...

Many times, God allows you to be lonely so that you can be holy...

Forget this public revival messages all of us are preaching...
Many are still behind in the school of glory...

Not because they chose to, but because they still don't want to pay the price of separation...

If it takes a man to be married to be responsible, we will not have many married irresponsible men scattered all over the place who are renting houses for their girlfriends, while their wives are still at home....

When a man is due for marriage, he should get married...

But don't tell me to get married because you want me to escape fornication...
Marriage is not an escape route into a responsible life...

What you cannot control when you are single has the power to control you even when you are married ...

No matter how beautiful your wife will be, you will still see other beautiful ladies....
Teach me how to die to flesh sir...
Teach me that I can live alone in a house alone and yet, I will not think rubbish thoughts...

Joseph was not married before he ran away naked from Portipha's wife bedroom ...
It was not a marital ring on his finger that made him refuse that gesture....

But because he knew the future God has planned for Him will be messed up by a single decision....

I want to raise a generation of young boys and girls that will love God where no one is seeing them ...

I want to raise a breed that doesn't appear holy only when they see their parents or their pastors...

This holiness by dressing is sending people from choir seats to hell fire...
They are dying in secret sins, yet, they have none to cry to, because, once they confess, they will be stigmatized...

Consequently, we are raising a generation that is speaking in tongues on their way to hell...

Sister, singing in choir doesn't confer value on men before God, but decision...
Stop attaching your spiritual growth on night vigils where you go and flog enemies ...

God is waiting for you when no one is there...
If you can succeed there, you will be a commander of the supernatural...

The greatest tool against the end time church is the adulteration of the message of grace...
They teach you that God will forgive...
But they will not teach you that God will not promote you to another class...

No matter how you love your child, you will not give him your car key to use when you know he has not perfected his driving...

As long as that child is finding it hard to drive perfectly, he will keep trekking to school...

There is someone reading this posts now, heaven is saying that you are due for manifestation, but you have not made a decision yet...

You are still afraid of hunger....
You don't want to starve....
You are ashamed of what people will say when you stop sleeping with men for money to pay bills...

They have even told you that there is no young person like you that doesn't have sexual partners...
That human beings were wired by God to fall and rise again...

Several times, you have made moves to delete all those phone numbers that connect you to your vomits...
But you have been afraid of the days of loneliness...

You don't want to miss those cuddles...
You don't know if you can ever look into his eyes and tell him: "No more sex"...

Even if he accepts, you are afraid that you might never cope...

Sister, don't let weekend orgasm rob you of eternal value...

Your enemy is no more that witch in the village....

But any man that is making you comfortable in a place of rebellion with God ...

Don't be in church singing in the choir and God will go to the nearest hotel and catch a prostitute, wash her, clean her and fill her with His power...

I know you have been trying to make amends ...
You have answered altar calls several times, yet, you still fall back, even more deeper ...

Some of us were there not too long ago...
Singing in choir, leading in powerful prayer sections, yet, battling with addictions...

Worse of all we were afraid to tell anyone...
Because, people around would never have understood how much we were trying to be better ...

We bought different anointing oil, from different men of God, yet, we were not free...
We even afflicted ourselves with fastings...
Yet, nothing changed ...

Until we encountered the Word of God.....
When Jesus said that " We are made clean by the Words that I speak unto you..."

We began to read and study the Bible...
Like Job, we began to esteem God's Word above our necessary food...

Gradually, addictions began to lose its grip...
God began to change our appetites...
Until today, the darkness is past, the true Light now shineth ...

Brother, I want to recommend you to the Word of God....
The Word of God will settle that lust issue...
Don't go and rush into marriage if you are not ready, because you want to avoid temptation...

The spirit of lust does not respect wedding ring...

Especially now that our sisters who are still in Babylon even prefer having it with married men ...

There are still single guys who are serving God in spirit and in truth...
5 chapters of the bible every day and 1 hour prayers or more...

You will see that your mind will stop going to those thoughts ...
Jesus did not say it is easy...
But He said that with God all things are possible ...

Your heart is beating faster now as you are reading this...
You are wondering if you will ever get free from the things you are struggling with...

Friend, that God that did it for us, He will show up on your case...

Receive grace to feast on the Word from now....
In Jesus Name...

Pls share 2 save someone


Wednesday, 22 July 2015

Hell; the place of torment!

MOST UGLY MUSIC EVER!!! (A must read PLEASE) This is the most UGLY and frightening song you will  ever hear! In a vision, I saw a naked man covered in flaming worms that cannot Die! He turned to me and heaved a deep sigh as flames surrounded him and he sung this song in an emotionless voice! A voice that held NO emotion only the pain and torment he was in! Here are a few lyrics from the song: Flaming worms crawl in, laming worms crawl out in the belly button and out the mouth! In the front and out the rear! In the eyes and out the ears! 

We cream for mercy yet NO one cares or hears! Red hot pain in my blood rivers of feces, lava, vomit and blood it looks like a flood! Flames everywhere yet they cast NO light! All I have is every kind of pain, terror, torture and fright! I am a Citizen in HELL! This is the first level of HELL the other levels there are NO words to tell! Hell is so hot it boils the flesh off my skin how do I describe the HELLISH pain I'm in! I'm so thirsty yet I 've not even urine or tears to drink! And OH my GOD how this HELL stinks! AHHHH, I am a Citizen in HELL! There's NO water of any kind not even sweat to cool my brow, I know from Hell I will never be set free and demons curse and mock me! I scream to God to help me! Yet He does NOT hear! Instead the voice of Satan laughs and jeers! HaAa!

There's NO GOD and there's NO mercy here! I have torture, terror, and Damnation and every kind of FEAR!
But there's NO GOD HERE! Hahaha!" I am reminded how God in his mercy gave JESUS, His Only Son to suffer
crucifixion for my sins and on a cross he hung! Just so from HELL I would be free and Satan would have no
claim on me! But I refused JESUS blood to cover my sins. I wanted to live my own life so I denied Him! I know I have no one to blame now forever I 'll live in Satan's evil domain with every kind of torture and shame! Wanting to die but forgetting there is no death, thinking it will be better tomorrow but forgetting I have FOREVER left! 

This is what its like to be a CITIZEN IN HELL!!! Where the Horror is so gruesome! NO tongue can tell!  Everyone who is coming here will have to dig to their own level before they die! And that is how deep your sins are piled up high! But beware the greatest of all sins is the REJECTION OF JESUS CHRIST! One torture room to the next what seems like your worst nightmare is ONLY satan at his BEST! This is what its like to be a CITIZEN IN HELL!!!!! - Sherrie Elijah Flaming WORMS that looked like Snakes! were crawling in and OUT of EVERY OPENING OF HIS BODY! His EYES, EARS,NOSE, FRONT, REAR, I repeat EVERY OPENING! without getting graphically gross here! The screams yet echo in my mind as I am writing this down! The rich man in the bible who went to HELL told God if he would just send a man back from HELL to warn others his brothers of the torment in Hell they would not want to come there, they would live differently! But God said even if he sent someone back from HELL, few would listen and take the warning seriously! Few would believe! In this end time how many has the LORD allowed to see Heaven and Hell to be brought back to life to tell of the Horror!

So many people die everything, and majority are trooping in to hell. Your friends and family members who died without Christ, or who lived sinful and worldly Christian life, are singing the same ugly songs in hell now; you will never see them again if only you also do not go to hell. If you are reading this article before the Rapture, it means you have the chance and choice to make in order to avoid hell, but it all depends on you. Jesus only is the way to save from going to hell; if you have not surrendered your life to Jesus Christ, you urgently need to do that now. If you claim to be a Christian but still living in sin, you need to rededicate your life to Jesus before it is too late. And if you have dedicated your life to Jesus, but living a worldly life of modern Christianity, hiding your sins, rising and falling into sin or ignoring to do necessary restitution, then you are also at the danger of hell. Until you surrender all to Jesus Christ, ALL! Are you ready to rededicate your life to Jesus now and start a new life?
The repent! Confess all your sins, ready to forsake them all and ask Jesus to forgive, cleanse you and save you.

Thursday, 29 January 2015

Dealing conflict situations

TEXT: JOSHUA 22:7-34


Conflict is serious disagreement and argument about something important. If two people or groups are in conflict, they have had a serious disagreement or argument and have not yet reached agreement. Sometimes these quarrels result from evil desires battling within us-we want more possessions, more money, higher status, more recognition. When we want badly enough to fulfil these desires, we fight in other to do so (James 4:1-3). Instead of aggressively grabbing what we want, we should submit ourselves to God, ask God to help us get rid of our selfish desires, and trust Him to give us what we really need.  According to the Bible there is nothing inherently wrong with conflict.  Disagreements happen.  But the manner in which we are to resolve our conflicts is extremely important. Conflict can become the catalyst to greater understanding, intimacy, and depth of relationship; or it can bring anger, bitterness, and broken relationships.

When the tribes of Reuben and Gad and the half-tribe of Manasseh built an altar at the Jordan River, the rest of Israel feared that these tribes were starting their own religion and rebelling against God. But before beginning an all-out war, Phinehas led a delegation to learn the truth, following the principle taught in Deuteronomy 13:12-19. He was prepared to negotiate rather than fight if a battle was not necessary. When he learned that the altar was for a memorial rather than for pagan sacrifice, war was averted and unity restored.  As brethren as individuals, and even as nations, we would benefit from a similar approach to resolving conflicts. Assuming the worst about the intentions of others only brings troubles. Israel averted the threat of civil war by asking before assaulting. Beware of reacting before you hear the whole story. When you face conflict, step back from the hostilities and consider whether you and your brother and/or sister have common goals that are bigger than your differences. Appeal to those interests as you work for a settlement.

-DISCUSS how mere assumptions and gossips cause and aggravate conflicts among brethren

-READ 2 Samuel 16:1-4 and compare it with 2 Samuel 19:24-30.

What do these passages teach us about hasty judgments or condemnation of our brethren?

-Read & Discuss 1 Cor. 6:1-7. Should brethren drag each other to court of law? Also read 2 Tim.2:24-25.

What offence may be so hurtful that a believer can never forgive another believer of it?

Conflict begins when good confronts evil. The two cannot peacefully coexist. One must triumph.

Proverbs 13:10 . . . Pride leads to arguments.

Proverbs 28:25 . . . Greed causes quarrels.

Proverbs 30:33 . . . Anger causes quarrels.

Pride, greed, anger-these are all aspect of our sinful human nature, and these are the things that bring us into conflict with other people.

Don’t just pretend to love others. Really love them. Hate what is wrong. Hold tight to what is good (Romans 12:9 NLT).

 Church of Eternal Life Jos, Plateau State.

Monday, 26 January 2015

Operating at Divine speed

TEXT: PSALM 18:25-36

INTRODUCTION: The speed of something is the rate at which it moves or travels. It is the rate at which something happens or is done. When something is provided by (coming from) or relating to God, it is said to be divine. DIVINE SPEED therefor, is speed (progress) that is provided by God, regulated (controlled) by God and associated with God. When a child of God allows God to determine when and how he “moves”, he is said to operate with divine speed. For maximum blessing, we all must move with divine speed in 2014 and the rest of our life.

A. HIND’S FEET: This is a commonly-used phrase that derives from the Bible, and it is used in the Holy Text to describe a person’s ability to overcome a challenge that has been affecting them or worrying them with ease and success (Ps.18:33). A hind is a female red deer. This kind of deer is able to move easily and rapidly across the rocks and uneven terrain of the mountains and mountainous landscape. It will leap from rocks without losing footing, suggesting that those with hind’s feet are able to overcome things easily, and elegantly. Thus the bible verse means that God has inspired his believers and empowered them to overcome the obstacles which confront them, doing things that would otherwise be difficult or impossible without divine aid.

Question: According to Psalms 18:33, who secures our feet? Compare this with Proverbs 3:1-12. 

B. DIVINE TIMING: The reason God likes to make us wait from time to time is to not only test our faith in Him and to properly prepare us for what He is making us wait for, but to also develop the fruit of patience and determination in us. The fruit of patience is one of the 9 fruits of the Holy Spirit, and it is one fruit that He loves to try and develop in all of us, especially in the fast-pace world in which we all now live. This very valuable quality lines up with God’s own character and how He likes to work things out. In His dealings with us, God considers The Timing Factor. It is very important when He will want to make something specific happen.

Discuss: The following verses: Galatians 6:9; 1 Peter 5:6-7; Lamentation 3:25-26; Psalm 130:5-6; Psalm 145:1; Psalm 27:14; Psalm 31:15; Psalm 62:1-2, 5-6; Psalm 39:7-8; Psalm 40:1-2; Psalm 37:34; Psalm 37:7; Psalm 25:5, 21; Habakkuk 2:2-3; Ecclesiastes 3:11, 17; Isaiah 8:17, 40:31; Proverbs 27:18; Titus 1:2-3; John 7:6; Mark 1:14-15; Acts 1:7; 1Tim. 6:14-15; 2Thessalonians 2:6-8.

As you can see from reading each one of these verses, God does like to work on a specific set timetable – and even Jesus Himself had to wait for God’s timing on some of the things He ended up doing. And not only did Jesus, the apostles, and many in the old testament have to abide by God’s specific timing on when He wanted them to do something, but there are verses showing that God will still continue to run things according to His own set timetable in the years ahead, including how He will work your life and when He will want to make certain things happen in your life.

C. SPECIFIC EXAMPLES: Jesus Himself had to wait until He was 30 years old before God baptized Him with the Holy Spirit and anointed Him with His power to go on His three and half year miracle ministry before He went to the cross to get all of us saved. Jesus had to wait again for 40 days before He ascended to the Father after His resurrection from the grave. Moses was in the back side of a desert for 40 years before when was sent in by God to rescue the children of Israel from the Egyptians. The Israelites had to wait for 430 years before God delivered them from the Egyptians. David had wait for 13 years before he became King of Israel. Abraham had to wait 25 years for the birth of his son Isaac. Noah had to wait for 120 years from the time God told him to build the ark until the time of the flood actually occurring. The apostles had to wait 10 days after Jesus had ascended before they had received the Holy Spirit in the upper room.
As you can see from these specific examples from the Bible, God likes to make us wait for some of the major chess moves He will be making in our lives.


In God’s strength I can crush an army; with my God I can scale any wall (Ps. 18:29 NLT)
Church of Eternal Life Jos- Plateau state.

Jesus, the son of God


TEXT: MATHEW 4:16-17
INTRODUCTION: ‘Son of God’ is a title emphasizing Jesus Christ deity, his office as Messiah and his pre-eminence as the object of the church’s faith and worship and as the content of its gospel. The New Testament employs a variety of terms in its effort to define the personal identity of Jesus. Strictly speaking, His name simply is Jesus (meaning “Yahweh is salvation”). Recognition of His messiahship quickly led His followers to call Him Christ (Christos is the Greek equivalent to the Hebrew word Messiah), Christ Jesus, and the more common Jesus Christ. In addition, He also is called: Lord, Son of Man, Son of David; and “I AM”-an apparent echo of the unutterable divine name (Exodus 3:14). All of these titles make exalted claims for the Man from Galilee. For many Christians, though, Son of God is the most familiar term used to identify Jesus. There is power in the confession that Jesus is the “Son of God,” but what does it mean?  

A. What Does “Son of God” Mean in the Bible?

The phrase “Son of God” has different meanings in different contexts in the Bible. The first sense, which most Bible scholars see as its most common meaning in the Gospels, is simply a messianic title – more 0r less equivalent to “Messiah,” “Son of David”, or King of Israel.” (Carefully study Matthew 26:63-64; John 1:47-51; John 11:20-27; and John 20:31). The origin of this term as a messianic title comes from 2Samuel 7 and parallel passages in 1 Chronicles 17 and 22. David wanted to build a temple for the Lord, but the Lord promised to raise up a descendant of David who would build an eternal temple and whose throne God would establish forever. God says of this future messianic rule: “I will be his father, and he will be my son. I will never take away my love from him” (1 Chronicles 17:13).

B. God the Son!

John 1 says the Word of God was eternally with God and is God, and that through God’s Word all things were created, and that this Word was manifested in Jesus Christ, and that we have seen His glory. In verse 18 it adds: “No one has ever seen God, but the one and only Son, who is himself God and is in closest relationship with the Father, has made him known.” John then used the term “Son” in this sense in several passages.

In John 5:18-26, Jesus says that everyone should “‘honor the Son just as they honor the Father. Whoever does not honor the Son does not honor the Father, who sent him.’ ”  This passage also affirms that by talking about His relationship with God in this way Jesus was “making himself equal (or identical) with god.” In John 10:30, Jesus says, “‘I and the Father are one.’ ” And in John 14:9, Jesus says, “‘Anyone who has seen me has seen the Father.’" TO be continued! Meanwhile, live like Jesus on earth. Maranatha!

Discuss John 14:9

MEMORY VERSE: … Truly, this man was the Son of God (Mark 15:39b).
Church of Eternal Life Jos- Plateau state

What the bible teaches about the world and the Church Part 1

   TEXT: EPH. 5:1-21
A. CHURCH                                                          

The word “church” is used in the New Testament to refer to the people of God who have obeyed the gospel by immersion into the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus. In the New Testament the word “church” is used primarily to God’s people who have been called out (Greek : ecclesia) of the world. The church is God’s special holy nation of redeemed people whose citizenship is in heaven (Acts 20:28; Ph. 3:20-21; Tit.2:14; 1Pt. 1:18-19; 2:9). The church is made up of those on earth who have submitted to the reign of Jesus from heaven. The church is composed of those in whose hearts Jesus now reigns (Lk.17:20-21). Wherever the will of God is done on earth in the hearts of men as it is done in heaven (Mt.6:10), then the church exists. As a body filled with the Spirit of God (1Cor.6:19), the church is a vibrant community in this world to accomplish the work of God to bring men into eternity through obedience to the gospel.   

World in the New Testament sometimes means what it means in the Old Testament, namely, this earth, the good natural order that God created. Usually, however, it means mankind as a whole, now fallen into sin and moral disorder and become radically anti-God and evil. Occasionally, the two senses seem to blend, so that statements about the world carry the complex touch of perverse people incurring guilt and shame by their misuse of created things.


Christians are sent into the world by their Lord (John 17:18) to witness to it about God’s Christ and his kingdom (Matt. 24:14; cf. Rom. 10:18; Col. 1:6,23) and to serve its needs. But they are to do so without falling victim to its materialism (Matt.6:19-24,32), its unconcern about God and the next life (Luke 12:13-21), and its prideful pursuit of pleasure, profit, and position to the exclusion of everything else (1 John 2:15-17). The world is at present Satan’s kingdom (John 14:30; 2Cor.4:4; 1John 5:19; cf. Luke 4:5-7), and the outlook and mind-set of human societies reflect more of the pride seen in Satan than the humility seen in Christ.

Christians, like Christ, are to emphasize with people’s anxieties and needs in order to serve them and communicate with them effectively. They are to do so, however, on a basis of motivational detachment from this world, through which they are momentarily passing as they travel home to God and in which their single-minded purpose must be to please God (Col. 1:9-12; 1Pet. 2:11)

Discuss: 2 Corinthians 6:14-18

Also discuss 1 John 2:15-17

MEMORY VERSE: Do not love this world nor the things it offers you, for when you love the world, you do not have the love of the Father in you (1 John 2:15 NLT).
Resource by Church of Eternal Life Jos, Plateau state.

Friday, 21 November 2014


Do you care for the Rapture? How often do you think about the Rapture? Or rather, are you prepared for the Rapture? Better still, do you have clear understanding of what Rapture is all about? It’s unpopular topic in churches today, and so many Christians care less about it because it’s not as sweet and motivating as prosperity, breakthrough, new things, favors, blessings and earthly success.
But Rapture is a daily expectation and thought for the wise Christians while prosperity and earthly blessings are the focus for the foolish Christians. Rapture is the catching away of the saints, which will happen within seconds and any moment from now. It’s the first event of the end time advents when the angels of God will blow the trumpets, only Christians who are waiting for it, expecting it and preparing for it will make it. The simple clarification for self-examination here is that if you are thinking, waiting, preparing or expecting prosperity, miracle or anything more than Rapture, you will not make the Rapture. Only those who earnestly, eagerly wait and prepare for His appearance more than anything else will eventually make it, just like the 5 wise virgins in Matthew 25. Rapture is a glorious event of all generations; it’s going to be splendid, wonderful and rewarding for the saints more than any event in the history of the world. But then it will leave behind grooming, dooming and destructive reign of the Anti-Christ (666) for all who miss the Rapture. Jesus Christ gave us the signs which will show that Rapture is very near, that should warn the wise to be more prepared.  

The two major signs are already present: CARE OF THIS WORLD through false preachers & GLOBAL WARMING. Read what Jesus Christ said: CARES OF THIS WORLD, “And as it was in the days of Noah, so it will be also in the days of the Son of Man: They ate, they drank, they married wives, they were given in marriage, until the day that Noah entered the ark, and the flood came and destroyed them all.” Luke 17:26, 27. “Then many false prophets will rise up and deceive many. And because lawlessness will abound, the love of many will grow cold.” Matthew 24:11, 12. The cares of this world has overcome
many preachers, many churches and many Christians. It’s not just the work of the devil; it is the sign of end time. The syndrome of prosperity, breakthrough, earthly blessings, and focus on being rich, having cars, houses, big businesses, etc; the care for money, mansion, make-ups, partying, obsessing football are signs of end-time. It takes being wise to be warned. GLOBAL WARMING & CRISIS, “And you will hear of wars and rumours of wars. See that you are not troubled; for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet. For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. And there will be famines, pestilences, and earthquakes in various places. All these are the beginning of sorrows.” Matthew 24:6-8. 

The global crisis, massive weapon building are not just political or matters of misunderstanding, and it’s to be naive and ignorant to see the present global warming of flooding, overheating, weather irregularities, earthquakes, etc as just scientific; but it’s a global “warning” of the eminent rapture. The physical will see it global warming, the spiritual will see it “global warning”; the ordinary will call it scientific but the wise calls it prophetic.
Are you ready and prepared for the rapture? You can become wise from here by repenting and totally
rededicating your life to Jesus. Surrender all, be a different Christian of old, biblical standard in your
family, your church, your place of work, your business, your school, everywhere. Let your primary purpose be to please God, your primary focus to make heaven and your primary expectation to be raptured. Even if you can’t remember when last your pastors preached about the Rapture
and Second Coming of Jesus, you should remember Lot’s wife. MATTHEW 24:42-44 Watch therefore, for you do not know what hour your Lord is coming. But know this that if the master of the house had known what hour the thief would come, he would have watched and not allowed
his house to be broken into. Therefore you also be ready, for the Son of Man is coming at an hour you
do not expect.